High-end audio design is dominated by approaches developed 40, 50, or even 70 years ago. Today, 90% or more of linear transistor amplifiers, including so-called statement products, are variations of the Linn topology invented in the 1960s. Designs for other analog electronics are similarly antiquated.
Modern simulation technology has resulted in numerous refinements to old designs, but the basic "rules of the game" (including classic tradeoffs between bandwidth, distortion, and noise) are ultimately established by the topology itself and have remained relatively static for decades.
Lamassu applies fundamental innovation to create completely new quantitative and sonic benchmarks for audio electronics. The Lamassu sound is supremely clear, clean, and free of conventional grain and other artifacts. Neither dark nor light, neither etched nor lush, but profoundly transparent to source -- with all the presence and vigor your favorite recordings can deliver.
Our 2-stage, low feedback, high-power design controls speakers with the same iron grip as traditional Class A - while reducing distortion, noise, and power consumption far below the best conventional approaches. The result is a wide-bandwidth amplifier with extraordinary clarity and presence.
Our 2-stage, low feedback, high-power design controls speakers with the same iron grip as traditional Class A - while reducing distortion, noise, and power consumption far below the best conventional approaches. The result is a wide-bandwidth amplifier with extraordinary clarity and presence.
Our 2-stage, low feedback, high-power design controls speakers with the same iron grip as traditional Class A - while reducing distortion, noise, and power consumption far below the best conventional approaches. The result is a wide-bandwidth amplifier with extraordinary clarity and presence.