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A Ten-Year Quest
Detail Your Dream Setup
Dive Into Audiophilia
Take The First Step
Revolution Takes Time

Your Music: Electrifying

Your Music:
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vel sapien in sapien dictum tempus tempus eu dolor. Integer nibh orci, posuere et nisi sollicitudin, viverra tempus neque.”

Name Surname, Lead marketing specialist, CNN
Section 02

Outrageous Performance


Transparency, delicacy, and detail beyond the finest electrostatics. Slam beyond the finest dynamic speakers. Your music, profoundly reimagined to a radical new level of clarity, precision, and excitement.

Even the mastering engineers never heard it like this.

Performance: Go Deeper
Section 03

Pathbreaking Technology


To achieve an unprecedented musical experience, we required unprecedented technical advances. Lamassu deploys a range of breakthroughs in electronics, crossover, and speaker design to achieve radically low distortion and noise with amazingly high sensitivity, bandwidth, and dynamic range.

Lamassu sounds different because it is. Very different.

Technology: Go Deeper
Section 04

Otherworldly Presence


Lamassu’s monumental design is the result of three years of painstaking collaboration with the ex-Porsche designer responsible for the Carrera GT supercar concept. Starting with the hard points of driver counts and locations, we challenged ourselves to rethink and reinvent speaker aesthetics.

Our goal: nothing less than a timeless, sculptural masterwork.

Design: Go Deeper
Section 05

Execution Section


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vel sapien in sapien dictum tempus tempus eu dolor. Integer nibh orci, posuere et nisi sollicitudin, viverra tempus neque. Vestibulum et nisi metus.

Execution: Go Deeper
Section 06



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vel sapien in sapien dictum tempus tempus eu dolor. Integer nibh orci, posuere et nisi sollicitudin, viverra tempus neque. Vestibulum et nisi metus.

Launch Configurator
Section 07


Lamassu is the result of years of work by world leaders in driver, crossover, and electronics design. We have invented numerous new technologies and approaches to achieve our goals. There’s a lot to absorb.

Go deeper on all things Lamassu.

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